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Multi-metric nanoparticle detector: Measures particle number, LDSA, surface area, particle mass and mean particle size with high time resolution to make a detailed analysis of an aerosol of interest.
The Partector 2 can be upgraded to a Partector 2 Pro.
Same as the Partector 2, but can be switched to a scanning mode where it measures an eight-channel particle size distribution from 10-300nm.
The Partector 2 Pro can be operated in the standard Partector 2 mode without size distribution at a faster time resolution.
Miniature nanoparticle detector to measure LDSA and collect particles on a standard 3.05mm transmission
electron microscope (TEM) grid.
Electron microscopes allow the analysis of individual particles
and their structure. The partectorTEM determines the optimal coverage of the
grid via its continuous LDSA measurement, so you will never waste time again with bad samples.
OEM sensors can be used to build proprietary systems.
If you have e.g. a laboratory setup with your own flow, power supply and data
aquisition, you can implement a custom sensor into your system.
We provide different sensors for different applications, concentrations and flow ranges.
Partikelmessgerät für Dieselfahrzeugemissionen
Das Produkt ist METAS-Zertifiziert für die periodische Inspektion von Partikelfiltern.